How I’ve Stayed Healthy During my Pregnancy

Prepping your body for childbirth

My idea of what health looks like has morphed a lot throughout the past 9 months.

The combination of gym closures, a changing body, new hormones and energy levels, and a rigorous work schedule have left me doing much less that I would have liked to. However, there are many things I’ve worked to implement into my routine to prepare myself for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth (hopefully!!).

*note that I am not a trained professional nor have I given birth yet, these are just some of the practices I have implemented based on suggestions from my midwife and books I’ve read.


Walking regularly

Since gyms have been closed, going on a long walk with my husband and dog has been something that I look forward to both for my physical and mental health and wellbeing. I leave my phone at home and walk up and down our hilly neighborhood anywhere from 30-75min daily. This not only is supposed to be great for the hips during childbirth, but it’s been an amazing time for my husband and I to connect and for our pup Cashew to get some exercise.


Using a birthing ball

Also known as a yoga ball. Sitting on this has proven to be relieving on the hips, it’s also used in Spinning Babies to help get the baby in the ideal position for childbirth. I like to bounce up and down on it, do hip rotations, and sit on it while I’m on the computer working or doing free weight exercises for my upper body.


Chiropractic adjustments

Fortunately, my doula Cocoon Chiropractic is a trained pre and post natal and pediatric chiropractor. Since the second trimester, I’ve seen her every other week for an adjustment to ensure my hips and pelvis are in alignment. This helps to relieve pain and allows the body to be in an ideal position for the baby to be comfortable and move to the birthing position. I’m also super excited that she will be able to assist with chiropractic adjustments while I’m in labor if need be.


Lymphatic massage

Flavia Lanini has been doing my lymphatic massage in Los Angeles for years, but she has stressed how important it is for pregnancy. She actually has mentioned that it is normal for pregnant women in Brazil to get a lymphatic massage weekly to help with labor. Not only does it reduce water retention, it helps circulation, blood flow, stagnation, and strengthens immunity. I feel so refreshed and energized after a massage with her.



I’ve been taking Olly Prenatal Gummies daily. Not only do they taste amazing, they are easy to stomach if you feel nauseous or have a hard time taking pills. I love that they are full of folic acid and DHA to help with healthy baby development.


Prenatal yoga

I’ve been doing digital prenatal yoga classes through One Down Dog on Zoom. I love that they have created a sense of community and that I am offered a more gentle yoga practice with adjustments for my changing body. As my belly has gotten bigger, it’s been so much harder to continue with a regular yoga practice, so this feels like it is catered to me and helps promote ideal positioning with the baby. My go-to yoga outfit is the Beyond Yoga Space Dye Maternity Leggings and Racerback Cropped Tank.


Green juice

We recently purchased the Breville Slow Juicer and could not be more obsessed. Using a slow juicer produces more juice, less waste, and allows for more vitamins and digestible enzymes. Every morning with make a juice with organic kale, apple, lemon, celery, lime, ginger, turmeric and cucumber. It tastes amazing and I think it’s really kept my vitamin levels even throughout my pregnancy. My midwife even told me my blood levels were the best she’s seen of any pregnant person. I don’t know if that’s because of my daily juice and vitamins, but I’ll take it!



According to studies, eating dates daily during the third trimester has been linked with shorter birth times, less interventions like forceps or vacuum delivery, and less post partum bleeding. I am middle-eastern so I LOVE dates anyways, so this has been easy to add to my diet. They are especially good with a little almond butter, a slice of banana, and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.


Epsom salt baths

Before my pregnancy, I used to take Olly Bedtime Beauty gummies before bed every night to help me sleep. However, since it is not advised to take melatonin regularly during pregnancy, taking an Epsom salt bath before bed has been amazing to relax my muscles. I love Dr. Teals.

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Did you try any of these during your pregnancy and do you think it helped with labor?

Would love to know your tips!

xo, Justine


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